The Man Company grooming kit

Only a few distinguish appearance as a separate important element for success. For example, Dale Carnegie, who was one of the first developers of courses in self-improvement, believed that appearance which can endear people is simply necessary for making a successful deal. And anyone who did not meet this requirement may not even count on the favour of the people in whom he is interested. If having read these lines you were quick to get upset, then you should not. Here is a step-by-step instruction for getting a presentable appearance. It is based on the proper selection of products and items for personal care.

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1. Identify your skin type, concerns, and special needs

This step is the first to go. At this stage you need to answer on select basic questions: do you have any tendency to rash or redness, how sensitive is your skin, how quickly your hair gets oily, and some more. Also, note that your beard or moustache will need care too from this time so you’d better add them to your list. Whether you have special needs or not there are main stages for all personal care:

  1. cleansing
  2. moisturizing and nourishment of skin & hair
  3. protection
  4. styling

Now we can get off for the second step.

2. Review & check out what you’ve already had in your bathroom

Now go to your bathroom and make a detailed analysis of the products that are already live there. Don’t be in a hurry to throw them away. Try to use all of them not in a chaotic way, but in a systematic way based on the required stages from the next step. Remove every grooming kit for men that were gifted to you by relatives and friends from the back shelves and check them too. During two weeks or month track changes that occur to your skin or lack thereof. Only after making this step proceed to the next.

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3. Add-on or set aside select products

As you’ve already known the main rule in the personal care process is to always check how is friendship going between your skin or hair and products you choose to treat them. If at least one of the essentials you have causes allergies, discomfort, or simply does not cope with the promises on the label then just quit it. Don’t be afraid to change or try as many products as you can. Trust us, when you find the right ones you’ll totally understand this. Also, keep in mind that care procedures and the number or quantity of products may vary depending on the season, climatic conditions, and more.

Based on the written above it makes sense to recommend the following list of must-haves for men’s personal care:

Products Tools Additional
body & hair wash shaving kit fragrance
facial wash and/or scrub trimmer for hair, beard, & everything else beard oil
moisturizer moustache care essentials
hair styler

By the way, The Man Company must be the place with products that will meet all your needs. Here you can find hair & skin solutions by concerns and products. Each category includes separate products as well as so-called turnkey care sets. Shopping here you can save up to 20% off with The Man Company discount codes and become a member of a very loyal reward program.

It should be noted separately that you can stably look good only by turning it into a habit. Let this routine became a special ritual for you. It will help recharge your body with positive energy in the morning, which in turn will increase your self-confidence. By giving the necessary portion of personal care in the morning, you'll inspire yourself for all day and inspire others!

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