5 Ways to Learn Bitcoin Effectively

It’s not a big surprise that in the digital era humans create new ways of proceeding payments. Cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity extremely fast. And the most famous, undoubtedly, is bitcoin. It appeared in 2009 and was created by Satoshi Nakamoto (whose real identity is still unclear). Since then, it has received so much prevalence, that it can be used in the online (and even physical) stores to pay for goods & services, alongside with real currencies. Nevertheless, bitcoin has enormous success, there are many questions about it. So, we thought it will be helpful to sort everything out. Let’s do this, by getting to know 5 ways to learn bitcoin effectively.

How Does Bitcoin Work?

how does bitcoin work

Well, first of, bitcoin is an example of a cryptocurrency. Also, it is an international payment system. Bitcoin work is described as ‘peer-to-peer’ (P2P). As, basically, peers are resource’s suppliers and consumers, it means, that bitcoin’s transactions are made directly between users. With no intermediaries. A really good description of this how-to is showcased on the first-ever registered bitcoin-holding domain name - Bitcoin.org.

How to Get Bitcoin?

how to get bitcoin

Secondly, this is the next question we are having in our head. Because it all is much easier with actual money. Well, for now, almost everybody has heard of mining. Basically, mining is adding a new bitcoin or bitcoins into the block. Each mined unit is verified with proof-of-work. By the way, this cryptocurrency is unbelievable difficult to hack as each block has the SHA-256 hash of the earlier block. The process of getting bitcoins is performed with the help of powerful hardware. That leads us to the point, that not everybody owns such a technologic monster.

Anyway, any savvy user can benefit from online services that will mine bitcoins for you. All you need to do is create an account and choose a plan to start with earning the cryptocurrency. The price will vary from $1.20 per 10 GH/s to $3.20 per 1 MH/s.

How to Keep Bitcoins?

bitcoin wallet

We need to mention that even though bitcoin is a digital form of money, it still needs a wallet. Yes, we wrote it’s hard to hack, but we need to keep our assets securely. As Blockchain regulates all-things cryptocurrencies (think of it of some sort of Central Bank), it is the most trusted place to create a digital wallet, we believe. There is no money involved in creating one. Moreover, you get technical support, dynamic fees for transactions, over 140 serviceable countries, backup on your funds and lots more.

How to Structure Your Bitcoin Knowledge?


There is so many information about this currency on the Internet, that it can blow your mind. Either you want to dig deep into mining or trading, or simply want to broaden your financial knowledge, structuring information is a thing. That is why going from bitcoin beginner to an expert is simple with Bitcoin.com. This source will educate you with some basic notions, as well as more complicated materials. Not sure yet? These guys offer a free 10-day course, so taking a shot doesn’t involve any expenses.

How Much Is Bitcoin?

bitcoin hkd

Calculating its value may be tough sometimes. Even though this currency is not regulated by the banking or financial establishments, it is dependable on the number of units mined. Which means, the less is mined the more valuable a bitcoin is. The more is mined the lesser its price is. To the current date bitcoin to HKD is 1 to 53,157.

All-in-all, this is only a tiny bit of info about bitcoin. But let’s assume it as a starter pack for those, who try to learn more about this cryptocurrency.

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