Valentine’s Day Sale
We collected the juiciest Valentine’s Day offers and a lot of coupons. Now you can see that we are fully equipped with Valentine's Day deals for the most romantic holiday of the season. That is our confession: we love discounts! And we know you also love them.
Did you know that Valentine's Day in India is enjoyed during the entire week? The celebration begins on February 7 and ends, traditionally, on the 14th of February. Here's what is celebrated on Valentine week special:
- Rose Day, | - Promise Day, |
- Propose Day, | - Hug Day, |
- Chocolate Day, | - Kiss Day, |
- Teddy Day, | - Valentines Day. |
All these days you can get best mobile offers or join the sale to shop desired items for your beloved ones. For flowers, chocolate hampers or gift cards you can visit Ferns N Petals and Indian Gifts Portal. Check out AuthenticWatches to buy some beautiful watches & accessories. Head to Amazon India for any electronic gadgets, home or kitchen products. Also, check Koovs and Clovia for clothes or lingerie.